Probably one of the most famous Thai meals out there. I like it but Thai cooking has so much more to offer than just Pad Thai. Explore!
This recipe is extremely fast so have everything prepared and ready before you start cooking.
You need (4 portions)
- 20 uncooked shrimps ( I use size 16-20)
- 350g thin rice noodle
- Oil
- 2 garlic cloves minced
- 1-2 eggs beaten
- 3tbsp fish sauce
- 2tbps tamarind paste*
- 2tbsp sugar
- ~1 cup soybeans
- 2 shallots or 1 small onion
- 2 green onion minced
- 1-2 Thai peppers minced
- Optional: Lime wedge, chopped peanuts, and fresh coriander
*I know I have a tough time getting this in my area but it’s a key component to this meal, there are a few substitutions you can use but would highly recommend you order some online if needed. I used vinegar and brown sugar to try it out and meh…
- First, you want to soak your noodle so they get tender, do so by putting them in a pot with water for 60 minutes or so. Tip, you can actually make that the day before, drain it, cover it with plastic film. Saves time.
- While you wait, remove the shells from the shrimp and reserve.
- Heat a pan to medium-high, add some oil, add the shrimps, garlic, peppers, and shallots and cook for about 45 seconds while stirring.It’s now time to add the noodle, tamarind, fish sauce, sugar, and 2tbsp of water, cook for about 60-90 seconds. Tip, the noodle are ready when they start sticking. You will see what I mean.
- In the pan, push the food on one side and dump the eggs. Cook for a minute and make sure to break them into pieces. You can then mix everything back together. Turn the heat off and add the soybean and green onions and mix. Done