The Flavor Lab

Eat better

(Experiment 44) Parmesan crisp

Parmesan is a staple in Italian cuisine for risotto, pasta or soup to name a few, but it’s not cheap and it will only last about 6-7 weeks in your fridge. Gotta find a way to put it to good use.

Parmesan crisp can be eaten on their own, super tasty but also obviously packed with fat. They can instead be used as a decoration prop to up your plating game.

I do want to put a note for vegetarians, that most parmesan cheeses are not vegetarian friendly as they use rennet(enzyme found in calves) to harden the cheese. Parmesan cheese can be made without it but it can’t be called Parmegiano-Reggiano.

You need:

  • Parmesan cheese
  • (optional) whatever you fancy, it could be pepper or your favourite spices


  1. Pre-heat oven at 400F
  2. Grate your parmesan cheese. If you opted for any herbs/spices, add them here.
  3. Line up parchment paper on a baking tray and add a tablespoon of parmesan cheese. Gently press it down. Repeat with the rest of the parmesan making sure you space them about an inch from each other.
  4. Cook for 4-6 minutes until you get a light browning.

    Tip: If you want to shape them, take them out of the oven and place them on a rolling pin. I highly recommend you line your rolling pin with plastic film before so it doesn’t soak in all the cheese fat.
    Note that they will cool fast so either do about 6 per batch or have someone help you.

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